Wheelchairs for the Disabled
Where there are no available social services, families strain to care for their disabled loved one within an already overburdened existence.
Thara Welfare Trust is providing FREE wheelchairs and FREE medicines to the physically disabled.
The trust needs your donations and support to continue this work. We intend to keep some wheelchairs and beds at our premises in the Azad Kashmir for use for the poor and disabled as and when they require.

Wheels of their Own FOR THE DISABLED
Where poverty and economic isolation are the norm there is a dire need for wheelchairs for the disabled.
Already suffering from pain, inconvenience and exclusion, many of these people with physical disabilities endure further burdens. Some are forced to crawl on the ground or wait to be carried by loved ones to reach their most basic of needs. In the process they are subjected to danger and disease.
The Trust is helping these disadvantaged people with FREE medicines FREE wheelchairs.