Free Ambulance service for the poor and needy
By the grace of Allah, and with your support, Thara Welfare Trust is providing FREE ambulance services in villages in the Andrahl region of Kashmir.
This service has proved to be of great benefit for the poor in the community. The trust needs your donations and support to continue this work in such areas.
Thara Welfare Trust is also providing a FREE ambulance transportation service for coffins from airports to place of burial in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. We provide this service for dead bodies brought from the UK, Europe and other countries.

24/7 Ambulance Service ACROSS THE COUNTRY
It is unfortunate and sad that many poor people in Pakistan and Kashmir do not have access to an ambulance. Many of those who are poverty stricken may not even have access to a car or any other form of transport in times of medical emergencies, let alone a FREE ambulance service.
As a result of such lack of service patients may suffer a great deal more pain due to the delay in gaining medical treatment. Pregnant women may lose their lives as well as the child they were carrying. Victims of accidents may not be able to get immediate medical help to keep them alive. Patients may become disabled or scarred for life.

All Facilities Available
Our air conditioned ambulances are free for the poor, have a stretcher facility, oxygen and all the necessary equipment to provide a safe and comfortable ride for the patient and have priority over other traffic in emergency situations.
Anyone providing a single donation to purchase an ambulance will have the sponsors details printed on the vehicle. Smaller donations for equipment such as stretchers and breathing apparatus would cost around £1,500.
Anyone willing to donate a vehicle such as Toyota Hiace double cabin in Pakistan or Azad Kashmir would be greatly appreciated. We can convert this vehicle for ambulance use.

Urgent need for a 4WD ambulance
The trust desperately needs your donations and support to continue this work. Smaller ambulances cost around £5,000, and large around £ 13,000. Theses prices are for buying a used vehicle and converting it for ambulance use. Brand new ambulances cost double this amount.
The trust aims to purchase more ambulances. There is an urgent need for a 4WD ambulance to reach hilly and off road areas. To purchase a used 4WD and to make the neccessary convertions we need a dontion of £20,000.